Frequently Asked Questions

How old does a child need to be to attend Gingerbread?

Gingerbread accepts children ages three through Kindergarten, enrolling them in January of the year prior to their school year.

What does Nursery School mean?

Nursery school is the old fashioned term applied to care for children preschool age. We feel that this term accurately describes a warm and loving place for children to be away from their parents and is a reminder that these are very young children with unique developmental needs.

How do I get on the Gingerbread waiting list?

We do not put children on our waiting list over the phone. Call (405 321-0087) and give us your name and address and we will send you our brochure, which includes a price list and registration form. Fill out the form and send it back to us. We will date this and keep it on file until our January enrollment process begins. There is no deposit or registration fee unless and until we have a place for your child.

How do you go about the enrollment process?

We open enrollment to the families currently in Gingerbread in late January, giving them two weeks to make their selection for the coming school year. This tells us how many places are available to offer. Beginning mid February, we begin calling those families on the waiting list in date order until each class is full. When you are called you have a week to send in a deposit and registration fee (currently $35) to hold your child’s place . Families who accept a place have until April 1 to receive a full deposit refund if their plans change; after this the deposit is not refunded. We then call or send a card to those children still on the waiting list. If places become available, we call those still on the waiting list in date order.

Can I tour Gingerbread?

Once your child is offered a place in one of our classes you’ll have the opportunity to tour Gingerbread. Of course you may tour school before making a decision about taking that place.

What are Gingerbread’s hours of operation?

Gingerbread’s classes are from 9am to noon Monday through Friday. We offer extended days until 2:30 and before and after care. We are open from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.

What classes are available for my child?

Three year olds have two options–Monday, Wednesday and Friday or Tuesday and Thursday. Four year olds have three options–Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Tuesday and Thursday and Monday through Friday. Five year olds have flexible Kindergarten options–half day Kindergarten from 9am to noon, full day Kindergarten from 9am to 3pm, or half day Kindergarten with occasional afternoons.

What is the cost to attend Gingerbread Nursery School and Kindergarten?

Call us at 405 321-0087 for a brochure and current price list.

Does Gingerbread have a multi child discount?

We don’t currently give a discount for families with more than one child enrolled. You may visit with the director if you would like to discuss payment options.

When is tuition due?

You will receive a bill with your newsletter a few days before the next month begins. Tuition is due the first week of the month.

Does my child have to be potty trained to attend Gingerbread?

Children should be potty trained for all Gingerbread classes. We welcome the opportunity to support you in this big developmental milestone so don’t hesitate to call us for help.

Do the children nap at Gingerbread?

Typically children are giving up a daily nap when they reach Gingerbread age. We do not have a scheduled nap time, but of course children who are falling asleep are given a quiet place to finish sleeping as they get acclimated to school.

What are the Gingerbread teacher qualifications?

Most of our teachers have degrees in Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Elementary Education or other degree programs. Our number one teacher qualification, however, is having a heart for children and families. Ongoing training, years of experience, low turnover and our low teacher/student ratio ensure a loving partnership between the Gingerbread staff and Gingerbread families for the benefit of your child.

What curriculum do you use?

Gingerbread does not use a commercial curriculum; we favor a framework of themes reflecting children’s interests while being responsive to the unique events that occur throughout each year. We know that children learn by doing, so we do everything–cook, paint, explore, work, make friends, talk, pretend, wonder, travel, climb, run, dig, plant, solve problems, take responsibility and more! Our environments, both indoors and out, are designed to help children reach their full potential and our staff is courageous enough to facilitate this process!

What is your student/teacher ratio?

Gingerbread has one teacher for every seven children for class time. For field trips parent helpers reduce the ratio so that everyone has fun (the actual number depends on what kind of field trip it is.)

How much TV to Gingerbread children watch while they are at school?

We do not use the TV at Gingerbread with one exception–our famous Movie Parties in January, when they will watch short stories in their film version for approximately 30 minutes, unless they are visiting the concession stand using their currency knowledge with pretend money. Can you tell that we frown on TV at this age?

Do you take the children outside every day?

YES! We are famous for going outside every day, regardless of the weather (lightning or other dangerous conditions will keep us indoors, but that’s rare in Oklahoma). We dress for the weather conditions and enjoy fresh air several times each day.

What facilities do you have for severe weather?

Gingerbread has two underground storm shelters that we will go to in the event of severe weather.

Do you accept credit cards for tuition payments?

Our payment app, Procare, will accept credit cards. We also accept cash, checks and Zelle payments (which help us lower our expenses since they don’t add a fee to our overhead).




Gingerbread Icon (405) 321-0087