Kindergarten Cirriculum

Kindergarten at Gingerbread is based on the same set of values as the nursery school program plus school readiness.

Specific curriculum emphases include:

  • Math Their Way is a comprehensive skills program introducing numbers and math concepts through objects familiar to children. They count and sort objects into groups, graph, explore patterns, develop number sense, explore measurement, learn money, time and develop the ability to analyze data.
  • Alpha Time is our Phonics program. The Letter People bring to life each letter of the alphabet, allowing children to get to know and identify letters and their sounds.
  • Whole Language development includes opportunities for children in story writing, shared reading, making their own books and recognizing key words associated with their individual interest. The children will participate in frequent writing opportunities using a variety of implements.
  • Art provides the opportunity for self-expression and creativity.
  • Science features nature-related, hands-on experiments, displays, and pets in the classroom.
  • Field Trips and Guests further develop specific topics.
  • Community involvement includes activities such as collecting for the Infant Crisis Center and the Cleveland County Christmas Store.
  • Music involves both singing, listening, finger plays and movement and is an integral part of our day.
  • Handwriting Without Tears is a developmentally appropriate, multi-sensory curriculum that helps children learn to express themselves. By playing, singing and building letters the children develop important skills they need to print words, sentences, and paragraphs using proper handwriting habits.


Kindergarteners attend Gingerbread either five mornings from 9 a.m. to noon or full days from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Teacher-student ratio is one to eight. Kindergarten Enrichment and before- and after-school care is an option each day your child is in school.




Gingerbread Icon (405) 321-0087